the count your blessings fallacy

Sneha Jayaraj
1 min readApr 4, 2021


“A fallacy is reasoning that is logically incorrect, undermines the logical validity of an argument, or is recognized as unsound. All forms of human communication can contain fallacies.”

so why do i believe this statement is logically incorrect?

because there’s too many blessings around us to be able to be counted. it is innumerable. there are not enough numbers created to be able to count. let’s start now. let’s start counting

  1. mom
  2. dad
  3. sister
  4. brother
  5. friends
  6. now have to list each friend — — — —
  7. this ability to live
  8. now have to live each body part we have that is systematically working for us — — — — — -
  9. the ability to breathe
  10. the space around us that keeps us breathing
  11. the co-existing communities that help us live
  12. the food that we eat
  13. the farmers that grow them
  14. the soil that grew there before
  15. the earth that made that soil
  16. the particles that make up the earth
  17. the galaxy that allowed for these paricles
  18. the universe

this is a short snippet but being grateful is so easy… there’s so much to be grateful for.. nothing to do with ego or status. the ability to be grateful meaning the ability to being grateful to wake up another day in this beautiful world to be alive and just breathe….

i thank god every day for this ability

