Kerala, India

Sexuality and Spirituality

Sneha Jayaraj
2 min readApr 4, 2021


They are so hand in hand. The way sexuality invokes spirituality and vice versa. They play on one another and they are two words of the same thing. The way i love god more, whenever i love a person nature or everything more.

law feels inherently evil and difficult because it limits our human experiences. being poly is criminalized, being gay is criminalized, being an immigrant is criminalized, being dark skinned is criminalized, being ourselves is criminalized.

law in america is inherently limiting people from reaching their capacity.

law is inherently limiting sexuality

law is inherently limiting one’s spirituality

this country when people believe in the bootstraps and “freedom” is a country where immigrants go and feel a lack of spirituality. when people from brown and black countries come here, they notice immediately the lack in whole, community, and togetherness. whole community and togetherness are inherently part of spirituality. america does lack spirituality. and it tries gathering by taking bits and pieces from many… however for this to be truly embraced — we need to also recognize that spirituality has always been part of this land. native indigenous people in america still have their spirituality in tact with them and their communities. let them lead. let people who live with spirituality, sexuality, and nature lead…

while people stop at police being abolished… keep going… american law needs to be abolished… this government needs to be abolished…

